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Brac by Nathalie Du Pasquier

Brac by Nathalie Du Pasquier

Brac is a brick exclusively designed by Nathalie Du Pasquier. It is a three-dimensional element in the size of 12.5x22x10 cm, imagined as versatile component for the creation of all sorts of structures and walls, where unexpected interplays of light and shadow come alive. Realised in extruded terracotta, the bricks that characterise the collection are real design elements that can be installed both vertically and horizontally, in residential and public interiors.


  • Interior Design's Best of Year 2020


Brac respects the environment and it doesn’t contain V.O.C.
Brac Collection
Brac Collection
Brac has a range of five colours: Argilla, with a natural matt surface, Bianco, Salvia, Marrone and Nero, with a bright glazed finish. As in all Nathalie Du Pasquier’s artworks, also from this collection a sense of playful spirituality emerges, outcome of her unpredictable ability to emotionally connect light, colour and sound.
Argilla, Bianco
Argilla, Bianco

Nathalie Du Pasquier

French artist and designer Nathalie Du Pasquier joined the Mutina team in 2019 with the realisation of BRIC, site-specific installation exhibited on the occasion of MUT 4. She designed Brac, a series of three-dimensional elements, the Mattonelle Margherita and Paesaggi collections, as well as the Margherita Paints.
“Perforated bricks have this odd characteristic of seeming like buildings when you look at them. You can build a modern neighborhood in miniature by putting some of these elements together.”
Brac by Nathalie Du Pasquier
Nero, Argilla Brac by Nathalie Du Pasquier Brac by Nathalie Du Pasquier Nero, Argilla Salvia, Argilla Nero, Bianco Argilla, Salvia

Sizes & Colors

Extruded terracotta
Nominal Sizes
12.5·22·10 cm (5"·8"·4")

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