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Rettangolo Nero

Rettangolo Nero

Artistic object designed for interior decoration, produced by manual casting, refined and enameled with the “tuffatura” technique. Each piece is homemade in Italy, stamped and signed in a sequential manner.
The presence of small imperfections witnesses the authenticity provided by the artisanal process.

Colour: Black
Finish: Glossy
Size: 40 x 60 cm
Weight: 8 kg

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Artistic object designed for interior decoration, produced by manual casting, refined and enameled with the “tuffatura” technique. Each piece is homemade in Italy, stamped and signed in a sequential manner.
The presence of small imperfections witnesses the authenticity provided by the artisanal process.

Colour: Black
Finish: Glossy
Size: 40 x 60 cm
Weight: 8 kg

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Rettangolo Nero
Rettangolo Nero

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